The Role of Gamification in Fintech
Another big revelation in the fintech space that has prompted several companies to follow the steps is the gamification of fintech services and products. Gamification has already proven its success and usefulness in several other sectors. Its introduction in the fintech sector has been welcomed by companies globally, rendering it one of the most effective engagement techniques.
Gamification in simple language is the addition of gaming elements in digital platforms that are not necessarily related to gaming. These additions are made in applications, websites, social communities, online learning tools, or even internal software and systems of businesses. The application of such mechanics and techniques helps increase the engagement and participation of viewers or users.
Gamification in Fintech
The success of a fintech company directly correlates with its level of customer engagement. Therefore, a fintech company aims to achieve the highest customer engagement. Solely relying on graphs, numbers, and data might not win the company a high engagement level.
Gamification helps increase interaction between the company products and services and its customers. Adding gaming mechanics like discounts and rewarding systems enhances the overall customer experience by making mundane tasks more appealing. It is an indirect but efficient method to increase customer participation and usage, helping the company build an extensive customer base.
The role gamification plays in the fintech space has grown tremendously in the past few years. As more and more customers get acquainted with gaming practices embedded in fintech platforms, the role of gamification grows. The valuation of gamification has more than doubled between 2016 and 2021, with investors pouring in from all corners. The total investment in 2021 had touched $12 billion.
The effectiveness of gamification is not restricted to the newer branches of fintech only. Conventional banks and financial institutions also have started incorporating similar practices into their services and products.
The amalgamation of gaming mechanics with fintech has positively impacted consumers and companies. Instead of only focusing on providing innovative and reliable services and products, the core objective of fintech companies has become customer experience. An experience that attracts new customers and keeps the older consumers engaged has become the need of the hour.
Benefits of Gamification
Customer Engagement – Gamification challenges conventional methods of banking and other activities related to finance. Tracking investments, assessing risks, learning new jargon or getting customized updates and plans increases customer engagement considerably; when customers feel engaged with the company, their loyalty towards the brand or the products increases.
Increased Loyalty – Customer loyalty has always been more valued than new on boarders. With increased loyalty, the customers are more likely to expand their relationship with the company by exploring more products. Gamification acts like a catalyst in building stronger relationships between fintech companies and their customers. By introducing new plans or interactive techniques to engage with customers, fintech companies can create their prominence by earning a reputation of trust
Indirect Marketing – Indirect marketing is a game changer in the world. When new schemes or offers attract loyal customers, they are more likely to talk about them with other people. Customers feel a sense of belongingness and loyalty with companies that provide them services that cater to their requirements without intruding in their privacy. When a strong bond exists between the two parties, there are more chances of customers sharing their experiences with other people, which, in turn, might help the fintech earn more customers.
Examples of Gamification
Gamification is an underrated field that has taken the fintech space by storm. Some of the most popular gamification techniques are:
Rewards and Points – One of the most common methods of initiating engagement is customer’s rewards and points or badges for completed tasks. The company can create small and large milestones customized for its users, where the user gets rewarded with points, cashbacks or badges on completion of each milestone. This technique is the most common gamification method that is not only heavily used in fintech, but is also used in various other fields like sports, learning tools, etc.
Challenges – Another fool proof method that has witnessed a lot of success is the method of companies setting personalized goals and challenges for their customers, which directs the consumer into taking actions with the intention of achieving these goals. This technique helps customers learn financial management by keeping them engaged in internal challenges and goals.
Progress Infographics – Another favourite method that has gained popularity is personalized infographics, which are interactive reports informing the customer about past expenditure and earnings, trends, and similar data. Such interactive infographics help customers learn more about their financial status and habits by providing factual reports based on the customer data collected over time. Such interactive infographics increase customer engagement where customers can compare their monthly expenditures, savings, investments, etc.
e-Learning Tools – Apart from providing services and products to customers, companies are now also stepping in as knowledge-providers. Realizing the potential of e-learning tools, fintech companies, especially those offering investment-related services, are branching into gamified e-learning tools. In this, the consumer can take personalized lessons and get news snippets to learn industry news and jargons. When the customer receives unconventional customized services by companies, they appreciate their relationship with the company more.
Competitive Tasks – Companies have started focusing on making leader boards, where customers can take up challenges or throw challenges to other customers. Not only do these help customers learn from and interact with other customers, it also helps in increasing overall customer engagement significantly.
Power of Social Media – Social media has a significant big role in gamification. Social media engages people of all age groups. When a company expands gamification activities on social media, the results achieved are more amplified. Companies can invite new and old customers to participate in challenges and quizzes on social media; they can also create hype for new products and services using social media tools.
Closing Words
The onset of technological expansion has prompted the emergence of countless possibilities of bringing gaming elements in non-gaming platforms. Companies are continuously exploring and introducing new ideas of gamification that are hooking people globally. The sheer extent of competition has driven companies to accelerate innovation rendering it one of the most rewarding sectors in fintech already.